Keeping Cool In The Summer Heat

This post is a bit off topic from home improvement but I wanted to share what is helping us keep a bit cooler this summer. I have just tried some great new iced teas made from puer tea leaves. These have hit the spot in this hot summer we have been having in NC. I suggest giving some of these Numi Organic Iced Teas a try!

My favorite has been the Earl Grey Orange flavored thus far, but also enjoyed the Mango and Peach flavor too. There are a few other flavors I have yet to try. They contain an ancient Chinese tea called Puer that I have recently discovered that tastes great (hot or cold) and makes you feel great!

According to Numi– Puerh Tea is an ancient healing tea known for its vast health benefits and rich taste. Numi’s organic Puerh is picked from 500 year old tea trees that grow in the pristine Yunnan Mountains of Southwestern China. The age of these trees makes them optimal for Puerh’s “secret” fermentation process resulting in a bold, earthy and slightly sweet flavor while elevating levels of antioxidants and other beneficial nutrients making Puerh a highly effective healing beverage.


Enjoy the Pure Refreshment of Numi Bottled Teas

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